Find Buildings


This web page is part of the "Locations and Photos of Lilliput Lane Originals" [LAPOLLO] Website


This site is a personal web site run by John Saville and is not endorsed by Enesco or the Lilliput Lane Collectors Club. All information is provided on a "best efforts" basis and no responsibility can be taken for lost time or finance if relied on.             Webmaster:

This page is for people who may own, or have given a model and/or would like to find for themselves the original building


Where to Start

You should start with the information on the "Deed Card" and/or the Catalogue (in particular for older models).

Where to check for differences on models from real life

It should be remembered that Lilliput Lane models are an artist's impression of a building not a detailed replica. As such there may be important differences which might include:

  • Models are thatched but original buildings may roofed with other materials (e.g. I N Mongers in Stamford, Lincs.)
  • The model may be stand alone whereas the original is part of a terrace (e.g. I N Mongers in Stamford, Lincs.)
  • The model may be based on part(s) of the building (e.g. "Snowed In" is based on the 1st and 3rd quarters [from the left] of Adstock Priory in Adstock, Bucks)


We are sure that Lilliput Lane has taken great care in the accuracy of information in its catalogues and on the deed cards.  Mistakes, inevitably, creep in and so we have provided a page of "Bloopers" where we try to record  errors we fined. These might include:


Other Useful Resources

For people who want to do their own research we provide a special page of web based tools.

Click to open the page


You may find information (including location) on the"Images of England" website maintained by English Heritage has details of all "listed" buildings in England and pictures of many. A large number of the Lilliput Lane models in England are based on listed buildings. You will be able to see a detailed architectural description of the exterior and often the interior of the building. This is a great help in trying to identify individual buildings within a town or village.

 Please note that you may have to register with the website to access data (it's free -- and it is not used to send you anything)

Some Counties have photo libraries of significant buildings.

Visit the Location

Have fun finding the original building and photograph it !

You might like to take an "unseen" copy of pages from this site -- just in case you have difficulties, get frustrated and would like help in finding it (we've often wished we had such info from others -- hence this site)

Please remember that many of the buildings are private homes or on private land and the privacy of the residents must be respected.

If you find buildings and have more information than already on this site, we would love to receive the information at and/or have copies of photos you take.

If you have a web-site and would permit us to link to it we would like to do that.

This is a personal website run by John & Judy Saville.  All web pages are Copyright John & Judy Saville as are all photographs unless otherwise indicated. Other information (e.g. maps etc) may be copyright to others as indicated. No information may be copied or reproduced without prior permission (from: but this will almost certainly be willingly granted.